
Liberplay | -

Like many of the 90's skinhead bands, Heysel is a band that plays Oi influenced music with fast two-beat and race-conscious lyrics. During this time, many of the classic Swedish nationalist bands such as Division S, White Aggression and Dirlewanger emerged today. Heysel is actually one of the bands that deserves to be at least as remembered.

It was in the areas around Katrineholm that four young men formed Heysel. Songs were created from the rehearsals, which later came on the debut album Legion of Hate. Eventually, the band's singer moved from the small town to Stockholm where he regrouped the band and members were replaced.

The band continued to operate until 2002 when Sweden Awake set the stage for the band's career. A record that, incidentally, was a split with the Freedom rock band Storm.

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